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Decluttering can be an emotional ride, especially when our memories are woven into our belongings. Here are our top 10 practical tips and psychological insights to make it a smoother experience.

1. Know where to start (& where not to start)

Start your decluttering journey with items that aren’t emotionally-charged for you. This differs for everyone, but for many people, making decisions about everyday practical things in the kitchen, pantry and bathrooms is much easier than for things like photographs or other memorabilia. Though decision-making may be hard at first, it often gets easier as you go. So, tackle the more emotional decisions later in your process.

2. Prioritize sentimental value

When you’re ready to start decluttering sentimental items, focus on the emotional connections each item holds. Reflect on positive memories associated with the object and assess its significance in your life. If an item brings you joy, it may be worth keeping. Also, recognize that the sentimental value you place on an item may outweigh the value placed on it by your family members or the financial value if you tried to sell it.

3. Turn a burden into a benefit

For emotional items, we recommend that you keep no more than three in any given category. For example, if you have boxes of grandma’s teapots collecting dust in your attic, they might represent a burden to you, and you may worry about what to do with them. On the other hand, if you display your favorite two teapots and donate the rest, you’ll get to enjoy them, thinking of your grandma with fond memories. Keeping fewer items transforms each item from a burden to a benefit.

4. Create a memory box and/or a memory wall

A memory box creates boundaries. Those boundaries help you determine how many items you can keep and ultimately help you prioritize items with the most sentimental value. Or perhaps designate a specific wall to showcase selected photos and memorabilia. A memory box or memory wall allows you to preserve the essence of your memories without overcrowding your living space.

5. Let the floor plan guide you

If you are downsizing and know where you’re moving, think about the size of your new place. For example, if you’re moving from a four-bedroom house to a one-bedroom apartment, consider what will fit into that one bedroom – and which things you love the most – and purge accordingly. For example, if you have a table for four, do you need 12 place settings of China? If you have one bed, do you need 15 sets of sheets? To assist you with decisions about furniture, consider making a floor plan of your new space to see how it will all fit.

6. Express your sentiments

You likely have things that hold sentimental value that you want to pass along to family and friends. When working with a dear client, we found letters from his dad to his mom – they were pen pals during the war. After the war ended, they met in person, got married and shared a life together. And he has these beautiful letters to pass along to his kids. Not all items are as easy to give to adult kids. We know it can be hard to hear, but they may not want the vast majority of your items. However, expressing how you feel about items and allowing family to choose the special ones can go a long way to preserving fond memories.

7. Explore alternative uses

Consider transforming a sentimental item into something new and useful. For example, turn ties or t-shirts into a quilt or teddy bear, repurpose furniture or create artwork from memorabilia. This way, you’re preserving the sentimental value in a different form, and the item can continue to be part of your life in a more practical way.

8. Document and preserve memories

If your family and friends are not interested in the physical items, document their significance through photos, videos or written narratives. Create a digital album or scrapbook detailing the stories behind each item. This way, you preserve the memories for yourself and future generations, even if the physical items are not passed down.

9. Donate to those in need

If your family doesn’t want the items, consider donating them to charities and organizations that may be able to use them. Knowing that your possessions contribute to a meaningful cause can help you feel good about letting them go. Cut the Clutter RVA has a curated list of donation partners, many of them provide donations directly to people in need. Reach out if you’d like more information. We love keeping things out of landfills and in the hands of people who can use them.

10. Embrace the liberation

Consider the act of letting items go as a form of liberation. By decluttering and releasing attachment to certain items, you create space for new experiences, memories and opportunities. Embrace the idea that letting go can be a positive step toward a more fulfilling and unburdened life.

Work hard and be kind!


Your friends at Cut the Clutter RVA