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“I don’t even know where to start!” As professional organizers, we hear this all the time, and we totally get it! The mere thought of tackling a chaotic space can feel so overwhelming! Here are some approaches we recommend to help you take that first step:

  • Start anywhere! It’s not about where you start as much as just starting! Your next best step often reveals itself as you move forward.
  • Start in less-used areas. Begin in areas that you don’t use as much, like the guest bedroom or the attic. These spaces tend to have lots of unused or forgotten items that are easier to let go. You’ll make great progress, which will fuel your motivation for the next areas.
  • Start in places with expiration dates like the pantry or medicine cabinet. The printed dates will make decision making easy. Simply toss/recycle expired items. Again, your quick progress will propel you forward to tackle the next space with confidence.
  • Start with just 30 minutes. Don’t feel like you have enough time to get started decluttering? Set a timer! This keeps the task manageable, and you’ll likely be surprised by how much you can accomplish in a short time. Remember, you don’t have to declutter and organize everything all at once! Aim for one little section at a time.

We understand that decluttering your home can feel like an overwhelming task, but you’re not alone. Start small, celebrate your victories, and remember that progress is more important than perfection. Each step you take brings you closer to a more organized and peaceful home, and our team at Cut the Clutter RVA is happy to jump in if you get stuck!

Work hard and be kind, clutter conquerors!


Your friends at Cut the Clutter RVA