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Lynda Reider, Founder and Chief Cutter Clutter of Cut the Clutter RVA is quoted in this Southern Living magazine article…

Keeping a house organized is a serious challenge. Making sure your kitchen, garage, closet, dresser drawers, and bathroom are neat and tidy and free of clutter can feel like a full time job. So it’s easy to think that any product billed as an organizing hack is going to help. But even if something is “As Seen On TV” or even found in the aisles of The Container Store, it may not actually work for most people. To find out what supposedly helpful products professional organizers would never buy, we reached out to folks working across the South to get their take.

The main thing that most of the professional organizers we spoke to want you to keep in mind, though, is that you shouldn’t buy anything before doing a serious closet clean-out (or pantry, office, garage, etc.)

Read the rest of the article here