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How Many Vases Do You Actually Need? These Professional Organizers (including our very own Gretchen Moen!) Know When It’s Time to Declutter

Think your vase collection may be getting out of hand? These are the signs that it’s time to let some vases go

The older I get, the more I realize that every household seems to have a different relationship with vases. Some love them and have them in every room in matching colors and shapes, whereas others grab for an empty jam jar to fill with water on the rare occasion that their home welcomes a bunch of flowers.

This train of thought got me thinking about how many vases anyone needs, and when you have gone overboard and need to start considering how to declutter your home‘s collection. So I spoke to professional organizers to hear their thoughts on collecting vases, and when they feel someone should let some vases go. We also talked a bit about the most common mistake when choosing a vase, and what vases are the most versatile choice. Here’s what they had to say.

Read the rest of the article here.