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Two important tips: How to let go of clutter

Tip 1: Determine your purpose.

Think about why your clutter bothers you and what will improve when you remove it. Decluttering is decision making – many decisions on what to keep and what should go. When it gets challenging to part with items, you’ll want to remind yourself why you started in the first place. Your purpose can help you stay focused and motivated.

The client’s bonus room space pictured as the “before” above wasn’t serving her family. It had become a dumping ground for a wide variety of things. She knew that she wanted to use the space as an office. So we sorted like items together, walked her through the decisions, relocated items to where they should live in other parts of the house and reloaded the office items. In the process, we created a calming space, the “after” above – a perfect place to be focused and productive.

When future clutter creeps into the office, she can go back to her purpose. If the items aren’t serving a clear purpose, they can be donated to those in need.

Tip 2: Find someone else in need.

True story: One of our team members was on a gurney waiting for a colonoscopy. When the nurse discovered what she did for a living, she said, “Wait. Don’t get the doctor or give her the drugs yet. I need to ask her an important question.” The nurse continued, “How do I get my husband to get rid of the camping gear that’s cluttering up my garage? Because you know who doesn’t camp? My husband.”

Our team member explained the power of linking the camping equipment to a charity that would actively use it. If the nurse’s husband knew that, say, young kids would get to experience the outdoors because of his donation, he’d be more likely to support that goal and give away his gear. He might even be excited to give it away. And he’d certainly feel good in return.

So, analyze your clutter. What do you have that you’re no longer using? How could it benefit someone else? There are so many amazing non-profits that need donations. Your decisions to let items go will be much easier if you know they’re going to help someone else. And, not only are you helping others in your community, your altruism feels good. Kindness paid forward is winning all around.

If you have things that you want to donate but don’t know who needs them, please contact us. We have an extensive network of donation partners and we love to research how to find new homes for donated items.

Have men’s clothes to donate?

The Richmond Public Defender’s Office is the largest in the state of Virginia. They are appointed by the Court to represent people who cannot afford to hire their own lawyer. Attorneys, investigators, mitigation specialists, paralegals and legal assistants all work together as a team to provide zealous, client-centered representation to their clients. They are a community of committed, inspired lawyers who litigate aggressively and advocate for their clients at every opportunity. They understand the importance of giving their clients respect and compassion during the most trying time of their lives.

The office is looking for clothing donations for their male clients to wear to court. They are especially in need of long sleeve dress shirts, ties, belts and shoes, but also welcome suits. And, all donations of men’s casual clothing are placed in their lobby for those in need. If you can help, please contact Barbie Burfoot at 804-225-4330 or bburfoot@vadefenders.org

Life is complicated.
Circumstances change.
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No judgments. Just solutions.
And organization.